Tuesday, February 16, 2010

You've Stolen and Captured my heart...

For three centuries I kept my heart sealed with all cost,
After a Dark Warlock plundered it and shattered it into pieces,
Each piece are scattered all over the earth.

Thank God, Mother Gaea helped me find the broken pieces,
And with the help of Hygeia, the goddess of healing,
I managed to put all the pieces together.

From that moment I swear I would guard my heart,
'Coz my HEART is my LIFE,
I shield, enclose and seal it, deep within my cavern.

But how! Oh Great Wizard!
How did you manage to take it away,
what spell did you cast on me that you manage to capture it?

You're so powerful and invincible,

Cast a spell on me that’s irreversible that only you could break.
You enchanted me, and make me long for you more and more each day.

I searched for a cure – in every corners of the earth
I found out that I could only find it in your region,
It’s a mighty KISS that only you could give...

How could I ever find you?
Is there a possibility that our roads will cross?
Or you'll invite me in your dwelling...

I'm waiting for your reply
Oh My Dear Wizard
You've stolen and captured my heart...

Thursday, February 4, 2010


In BASKETBALL, they have what they call "Most Valuable Player" or MVP. He's usually the highest scorer, the best team player, the player who most often makes the team win, thus bringing glory to the company he's playing for.

If your workplace could award a "Most Valuable Worker" yearly, would you win it? Would you like to? You or the place you work probably have an idea of the qualities one ought to have to be called a Most Valuable Worker (or MVW), but there is one very, very simple rule to observe for you to become one: Work twice as much as you're getting paid for.

Before you howl! "Unfair! Unfair!" and grumble that this is wrong or unjust for you and your family, and then, fear that this would only make you open to exploitation, see this rule as premium opportunity to prove your worth in the place you work.

Do you know why there are so many discontented employees around? Employees who endlessly complain about being underpaid, not earning enough for their needs, never being able to make both ends meet, etc? They are perennial complainers because they do not know the secret of investing in their work. They do not know that by doing only as much work as they are being paid for, they are condemning themselves to failure and a lifetime of fruitless hard labor.

Whereas if they worked twice as much, they would actually be paving the road to their success and prosperity
. This marvelous rule applies to all who work for a living, whether designing condominiums or selling cell phones. If you pour twice as much of yourself into your job as your workplace expects of you, the pattern of your working life changes and you create an opening for miracles to take place.

Do not be affected if your coworkers mock you, calling you martir or sipsip out to win pogi points. If they're too selfish to give more than they're paid for, that's their problem, not yours. Just follow the rule cheerfully, knowing it will work.

Working twice as hard simply means being more enthusiastic about whatever you are doing - being more cheerful around everybody, caring more for the the place you work, being more patient about things you can't change while trusting that they will improve in due time - and taking the opportunity to develop and exercise new skills, never doubting the good it can do for you and for everyone else.

Do you know why the rule "Work twice as much as you're getting paid for" is effective? Because it is giving, and giving is investing your faith in the Endless Source of all good. You cannot outdo this Endless Source in generosity - if you give it a handful of papaya seeds, it gives you back a hectare of papaya trees. Knowing and observing that rule in the workplace makes you an extremely valuable worker.

The thing is, just keep on doing it, giving cheerfully. It will not work if you give and then wait for rewards - just give because it is good to give, and then forget about it. And when you are commended for the good work, pass on the credit to the Endless Source from whom your power to work and to give comes in the first place.

There are two kinds of people who are bound for failure and misery in the workplace: those who do not do what they are told to do, and those who won't do more than what they're told to do. Let's hope you are not one of them.

Ask any happy achiever how he found the road to fulfillment and he will say, "Work twice as much as you're getting paid for." This rule is not a silly sacrifice - it is your just and rightful way of claiming the bounty that life has in store for you. Why wait till next week to become a MOST VALUABLE WORKER? Begin RIGHT NOW!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

SORROW: Good for the HEART?

"Sorrow is better than laughter, for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better." - Ecclesiastes 7:3

Sometimes, I asked the Lord - "Why do He allow sorrow in our hearts?" and "Why do He allow storms that led to painful experiences to the extent that laughter is too hard to find?"

But, as I read Eccl. 7:3, and as I meditate my past experiences, I found the purpose why do we need to be broken. I've discovered that sorrow reveals unknown capacities, attitudes and motives in our hearts. It reveals our true self and leads us to take time to think deeply and seriously, and search for the Lord's will and plan in our life.

Most of the time, we never do those things when we are lighthearted - we're too consumed and busy doing our personal stuffs. But, God wants to plow our hearts and He can only do that by breaking us completely.

It takes sorrow to expand and deepen our soul - it has the power to reveal ourselves and shows that we need to depend on our Lord to strengthen us in order to fulfill His purpose in our lives.

Sometimes, God is too hard or should I say too difficult to understand. But can we really comprehend His doings? At the end, we will only find out that what He said is true, that "His THOUGHTS are not our thoughts, and His WAYS are not are ways" so its impossible for us to understand.

The power of God's love is beyond the power of words to express. He can do wonders never before done if He wants to, but yet the sorrows and His silence during those times will teach us more lessons and will allow our relationship grow deeper.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


A quick glance,
A tender smile,
I am caught in a spell,
A gentle touch - a warm embrace,
I know that all to well.

A small voice, an unspoken love
Across the way I see
A kind face, an inner beauty
That's what you are to me.

Life gives us many blessings,
But there are only few that can compare
To the joy I have
Knowing you.

I can't really think
Of what else I want to say -
Just know I'm thinking of you
And I hope you have a lovely day!

Monday, February 1, 2010


God is our refuge and strength, and an ever-present help in trouble.
- Ps. 46:1

God does not act on our schedule. He has His own timing and exact date on where, why, or how He will act on our experiences. Most of us complain - "Why didn't God help me sooner? - when and after things are resolved and situation turns again into normal situation. But God has a reason for His delays. He desires to change us through the trouble and cause us to learn a lesson from it.

God has promised, "I will be with you" IN TROUBLE, I will deliver you and honor you.

God uses trouble to teach His children precious lesson. Difficulties are intended to educate us, when their good work is done, a glorious reward will become ours through them. There is a sweet joy and real value in difficulties, for He regards them not difficulties, but as OPPORTUNITIES.

When God tests you, it is a good time to test Him by putting His promises to the test and then claiming from Him exactly what your trials have made nececessary.

There are two ways of getting out of trial (which one do you always apply):

1. Try to get rid of the trial, and then be thankful when it is over.

2. Recognize the trial as a challenge from God to claim the larger blessing than we have ever before experienced, and to accept it with delight as an opportunity of receiving a greater measure of God's divine grace.

Adversary comes a help to us, and all the things that seem to be against us turn to assist us along the way.