Wednesday, February 3, 2010

SORROW: Good for the HEART?

"Sorrow is better than laughter, for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better." - Ecclesiastes 7:3

Sometimes, I asked the Lord - "Why do He allow sorrow in our hearts?" and "Why do He allow storms that led to painful experiences to the extent that laughter is too hard to find?"

But, as I read Eccl. 7:3, and as I meditate my past experiences, I found the purpose why do we need to be broken. I've discovered that sorrow reveals unknown capacities, attitudes and motives in our hearts. It reveals our true self and leads us to take time to think deeply and seriously, and search for the Lord's will and plan in our life.

Most of the time, we never do those things when we are lighthearted - we're too consumed and busy doing our personal stuffs. But, God wants to plow our hearts and He can only do that by breaking us completely.

It takes sorrow to expand and deepen our soul - it has the power to reveal ourselves and shows that we need to depend on our Lord to strengthen us in order to fulfill His purpose in our lives.

Sometimes, God is too hard or should I say too difficult to understand. But can we really comprehend His doings? At the end, we will only find out that what He said is true, that "His THOUGHTS are not our thoughts, and His WAYS are not are ways" so its impossible for us to understand.

The power of God's love is beyond the power of words to express. He can do wonders never before done if He wants to, but yet the sorrows and His silence during those times will teach us more lessons and will allow our relationship grow deeper.

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