Wednesday, January 12, 2011


... for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
Philippians 4:11

It's too hard to understand Paul's words unless I have undergone a situation wherein my comfort zone will be shaken. Paul, while being denied every comfort, wrote this verse from a dark prison cell.

God promised me that He knows me long before my mother conceived me and His plans are already done. He knows my future very well. That's why whatever circumstances I encounter, whether it is good or not I must give thanks and praise His goodness in my life.

I should not complain if things go wrong. For I know there is a purpose for it's existence. Whatever I receive from Him I should be thankful and use it for His glory.

His will becomes my will, and I will enjoy every moment of my life with Him to the fullest.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I have many plans and desires within my heart, but sadly, I found myself struggling to get those things. Most of the time I found myself trying so hard to get them to the extent that I exert to much effort, but at the end i felt so tired and it only cause me so much pain.

Yes, I always pray, asking God's will to rule in my life, but my self-centeredness succumbs me. I thought praying for what I want is enough to get what I want. But God showed me that I was wrong. He taught me that I should not focus on my own desires but I must learn to weight those desires if it is according to His will. He wants what's BEST for me. All I need to do is to submit myself to Him making His plans for me as my own and personal blueprint for my life.

My life on earth is just like a mist, it appears for a while then vanishes. But, how I use the short time I have matters most. I must stop indulging to my selfish desires. I need His wisdom to discern what's right and make decisions and choices well allowing His perfect will prevail.